For the primary colors (Red, Yellow, Blue) their complementing colors are the secondary colors (Green, Violet, Orange).
Being a designer and an artist I have a knack for colors and I see colors in their entirety. If you point out any color to me I can tell you just how much of each color is mixed in and if you give me paint, I can replicate it. (Crazy huh?)
The traditional color combos are commonly seen anywhere colors are used - fashion, makeup, and nail trends.
For this week's manicure, I wanted to display my love and understanding for color in the most basic of ways. Complementing them.

Using summer hues, I went with the Blue-Orange approach. What do you think?
You can try the same combination or experiment with other combinations like Red-Green or Yellow-Purple (Violet). If you don't like to be limited to just primary/secondary colors, look at opposing colors in the color wheel and combine those. Have fun with it!
Good luck & Stay Maganda!<3
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